Gas stations in Jakarta green areas closed reported one gas station on Jl. Sumenep, two on Jl. Kwitang, and one in front of Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital were among those no longer serving customers.
"We have not received any fuel supplies since Oct. 20," Kantiman, a gas station employee on Jl. Sumenep, said.
A buyer had bought the gas station assets and the money from the sale would be used to pay the 12 gas station employees, he added.
Earlier on Monday, the head of the Jakarta park and cemetery agency, Ery Baskoro, said he had sent a letter to state-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina to stop supplying fuel to 27 gas stations in green areas and Pertamina had agreed to do so.
The measure is part of the city administration's efforts to restore green spaces in Jakarta.
Source: The Jakarta Post , Sat, 10/31/2009